Tag Archives: InFORMing Research

Pacific Extreme Pattern

The development of the Pacific Extreme Pattern from 50 days (a) to 0 days (h) in 10 day increments. Contours indicate the height of 300 mb, an indicator of a warm air mass (ie. more contours closer together = hotter). (McKinnon et al. 2016)
The development of the Pacific Extreme Pattern from 50 days (a) to 0 days (h) in 10 day increments. Contours indicate the height of 300 mb, an indicator of a warm air mass (ie. more contours closer together = hotter). (McKinnon et al. 2016)

Would you still book that summer vacation if you knew there was going to be an extreme heat wave during your trip? This is a question you may soon ask yourself with last months revelation of a new Pacific Extreme Pattern that has the capability to accurately forecast a heatwave (>6.5 degC, 11.7 degF) up to 50 days in advance. Continue reading Pacific Extreme Pattern